
The Legend of Alon D'ar (2001)Jobs: Special Thanks

Chessmaster II (1999)Jobs: VP of Research & Development

Chessmaster 3-D (1995)Jobs: Programmers | Senior Vice President | Featuring

Ultimate Domain (1994)Jobs: Creative Consultant

Mario's Time Machine (1994)Jobs: Vice President R&D

The Software Toolworks' Star Wars Chess (1994)Jobs: Capture Scripts | VP Software Development | Chess Consultant

NCAA Football (1994)Jobs: Special Thanks

The Software Toolworks' Star Wars Chess (1993)Jobs: Vice President of Software Development | Capture scripts by | Chess Consultant | Additional Programming by

Mario's Time Machine (1993)Jobs: Special Thanks

The Software Toolworks' Star Wars Chess (1993)Jobs: VP, Software Development | Chess Consultant | Additional Programming | Capture Scripts

The Chessmaster 4000 Turbo (1993)Jobs: Software Design

The Chessmaster 3000 (1993)Jobs: Programming Team

Mario's Time Machine (1993)Jobs: Special Thanks

Wing Commander: The Secret Missions (1993)Jobs: Special thanks to

Wing Commander (1992)Jobs: Programming

Mario is Missing! (1992)Jobs: Designed by

Mario is Missing! (1992)Jobs: Produktdesign

The Miracle Piano Teaching System (1992)Jobs: Software Engineering

The Miracle Piano Teaching System (1991)Jobs: Software Engineering

D/Generation (1991)Jobs: Producers

The Chessmaster 3000 (1991)Jobs: Software Team

The Miracle Piano Teaching System (1991)Jobs: Software Development

The Miracle Piano Teaching System (1990)Jobs: Software Engineering

Life & Death II: The Brain (1990)Jobs: The Guys Who Did the First One: Thanks for all the help, insights etc

Cribbage King / Gin King (1989)Jobs: Project Manager

Life & Death (1988)Jobs: Project Manager

Blockade (1986)Jobs: Belarus