
NFL '97 (1996)Jobs: Artwork

Champions World Class Soccer (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design

Champions World Class Soccer (1994)Jobs: Artwork

Super Slam Dunk (1993)Jobs: Artists

NFL Football (1993)Jobs: Graphics

Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (1992)Jobs: Models & Actors | Artists

Facts in Action (1992)Jobs: Contributing Artist

Batman Returns (1992)Jobs: Additional Graphics and Animations

NHL Hockey (1991)Jobs: Filming and Modeling | Graphics Design by

John Madden Football '92 (1991)Jobs: Graphics Design

Dvorak on Typing (1991)Jobs: Graphics by

John Madden Football (1990)Jobs: Graphics Design by

ABC Monday Night Football (1989)Jobs: Graphic Artists

Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1989)Jobs: Original Art

Rocket Ranger (1988)Jobs: Additional Graphics

Rocket Ranger (1988)Jobs: Additional Art

Rocket Ranger (1988)Jobs: Graphics / Artwork

Defender of the Crown (1987)Jobs: Additional Art by

Defender of the Crown (1987)Jobs: Additional Art by:

S.D.I. (1987)Jobs: Graphics / Artwork

Defender of the Crown (1986)Jobs: Artists