
Perfect Assassin (1997)Jobs: AI & Programming | Project Lead | Artists | Lead Artist

Chronicles of the Sword (1996)Jobs: Art Direction | Artists | Original Concept and Design

Chronicles of the Sword (1996)Jobs: Art Direction | Artists | Original Concept and Design

Rapid Assault (1995)Jobs: Game Designer | Graphics

Druid: Daemons of the Mind (1995)Jobs: Managing Director and Design Realization | Original Concept

Legends of Valour (1993)Jobs: Game Design by | Based on an Original Idea by | Graphics Designed and Implemented by

The Flash (1993)Jobs: Graphics

Legends of Valour (1992)Jobs: Monster Illustrations | Game Design | Graphics / Artwork

Corporation (1992)Jobs: Game Design by | Graphics by

Dragons of Flame (1992)Jobs: Original Graphics

Shadow Sorcerer (1991)Jobs: Playtesting | Graphics

Hoverforce (1991)Jobs: Graphics

Shadow Sorcerer (1991)Jobs: Testing by | Additional design by

Switchblade (1991)Jobs: Staff

Corporation (1990)Jobs: Graphics by | Design by

Hot Rod (1990)Jobs: Graphics

Corporation (1990)Jobs: Design by | Graphics by | The Cast

Galaxy Force II (1990)Jobs: Graphics (except title screen) by

Galaxy Force II (1990)Jobs: Graphics by

Hot Rod (1990)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet (1990)Jobs: Graphics

Dragons of Flame (1989)Jobs: Graphics

Dragons of Flame (1989)Jobs: Graphics

Dragons of Flame (1989)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet II (1989)Jobs: Video graphics

Gauntlet II (1989)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet II (1988)Jobs: Graphics

Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game (1988)Jobs: Graphics

Skate Crazy (1988)Jobs: Graphics

Techno Cop (1988)Jobs: Graphics

Skate Crazy (1988)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons (1988)Jobs: Graphics:

Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game (1988)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet (1987)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet II (1987)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons (1987)Jobs: Graphics:

MASK (1987)Jobs: Game Concept | Graphics

Gauntlet (1987)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet (1986)Jobs: Graphics

Gauntlet (1986)Jobs: Graphics