
Champion of the Raj (1991)Jobs: Game Programming by | System Programming by

Lancelot (1989)Jobs: Spiel | Systems

Time and Magik: The Trilogy (1989)Jobs: Program

Time and Magik: The Trilogy (1989)Jobs: Program

Scapeghost (1989)Jobs: Systems:

Lancelot (1989)Jobs: Game Program | Systems

Scapeghost (1989)Jobs: Systems

Lancelot (1988)Jobs: Spiel

Ingrid's Back! (1988)Jobs: Systems

Time and Magik: The Trilogy (1988)Jobs: Game Program | Adventure System

Lancelot (1988)Jobs: Systems | Game Program

Ingrid's Back! (1988)Jobs: Systems

Time and Magik: The Trilogy (1988)Jobs: Program

Lancelot (1988)Jobs: Spiel

Time and Magik: The Trilogy (1988)Jobs: Program

Lancelot (1988)Jobs: Spiel

Gnome Ranger (1987)Jobs: Program:

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (1987)Jobs: Transport to your computer, adventure system and graphics system

Knight Orc (1987)Jobs: Game Programming | Adventure System

Silicon Dreams (1987)Jobs: Programmed by | Designed by | Programming

Knight Orc (1987)Jobs: Game Programming | Adventure System

Jewels of Darkness (1987)Jobs: Designed by | Programmed by

Gnome Ranger (1987)Jobs: Program

Gnome Ranger (1987)Jobs: Program

Gnome Ranger (1987)Jobs: Program

Jewels of Darkness (1987)Jobs: Programming

Gnome Ranger (1987)Jobs: Program

Jewels of Darkness (1987)Jobs: Programming

The Worm in Paradise (1986)Jobs: Implementation (Game Design) | System design

The Worm in Paradise (1986)Jobs: System design | Implementation (Game Design)

The Worm in Paradise (1986)Jobs: System design | Implementation (Game Design)

The Price of Magik (1986)Jobs: Implementation (Game Design): | System Design:

Jewels of Darkness (1986)Jobs: Designed by | Programmed by

Red Moon (1985)Jobs: Adventure System

The Worm in Paradise (1985)Jobs: Implementation | System design

The Worm in Paradise (1985)Jobs: System design | Implementation (Game Design)

The Worm in Paradise (1985)Jobs: System design | Implementation (Game Design)

Emerald Isle (1985)Jobs: Adventure System

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ (1985)Jobs: Transport to your computer | Adventure System | Graphics system

Lords of Time (1984)Jobs: Transport to your computer | A-code Compiler and System

The Saga of Erik the Viking (1984)Jobs: Transport to your computer | Graphics system | Adventure System

Return to Eden (1984)Jobs: Implementation (Game Design) | Adventure System

Snowball (1984)Jobs: A-code Compiler and System | Computer Translations (Transport to your Computer)

Return to Eden (1984)Jobs: Adventure System | Implementation (Game Design)

The Saga of Erik the Viking (1984)Jobs: Transport to your computer | Adventure System | Graphics system

The Saga of Erik the Viking (1984)Jobs: Transport to your computer | Adventure System | Graphics system

Snowball (1983)Jobs: Transport to your computer | A-code Compiler and System

Adventure Quest (1983)Jobs: Programmer