
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)Jobs: Additional Engineering

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (2005)Jobs: System / Tools Programming

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (2005)Jobs: System / Tools Programming

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)Jobs: Engineering

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)Jobs: Engineering

Wacky Races (2000)Jobs: Lead Programmer

N2O Nitrous Oxide (1998)Jobs: Sound FX | Design | Programming

Realms of the Haunting (1997)Jobs: Programmer

Realms of the Haunting (Limited Edition) (1997)Jobs: Programmer

Normality (1996)Jobs: Audio Programming | 3D Graphics Engine

Liberation: Captive II (1994)Jobs: Animation | Game Design | Graphics | Effects

Liberation: Captive II (1993)Jobs: Artwork | Game Design | Sound FX | Animation | Anim Player

Captive (1992)Jobs: Original Game Design

Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1991)Jobs: Game Design & Program (uncredited) | Musik

Knightmare (1991)Jobs: Design | Programming | Graphics

Captive (1990)Jobs: Coded | Designed

Phobia (1989)Jobs: Written by

Phobia (1989)Jobs: Belarus | Title Screen

Phobia (1989)Jobs: Title Screen

Fernandez Must Die (1988)Jobs: Designed by | Programming by

Bombuzal (1988)Jobs: Design

Bombuzal (1988)Jobs: Designer

Bombuzal (1988)Jobs: Designer

Challenge of the Gobots (1987)Jobs: Designed by

Deathscape (1987)Jobs: Sound Fx by

Centurions: Power X Treme (1987)Jobs: Belarus

Challenge of the Gobots (1987)Jobs: Devised by

Centurions: Power X Treme (1987)Jobs: Belarus

Zig-Zag (1987)Jobs: Graphics by | Sound By | Game Design by | Music by | Belarus

Battle Droidz (1987)Jobs: Sound Fx by

Challenge of the Gobots (1987)Jobs: Written by | Idea by

Deathscape (1987)Jobs: Sound FX

Dogfight 2187 (1987)Jobs: Sound Fx by

Ark Pandora (1986)Jobs: Music by

Loco (1986)Jobs: Music by

Trap (1986)Jobs: Belarus

Kettle (1986)Jobs: Belarus

William Wobbler (1985)Jobs: Programmed by

Gryphon (1985)Jobs: Written by

A View to a Kill: The Computer Game (1985)Jobs: Thanks for the arrangement

Blagger Goes to Hollywood (1985)Jobs: Music by

A View to a Kill: The Computer Game (1985)Jobs: Thanks to (Music Arrangement)

Black Thunder (1985)Jobs: Directed by

Loco (1984)Jobs: Belarus

Percy the Potty Pigeon (1984)Jobs: Programmer

Son of Blagger (1984)Jobs: Programmed by

Wanted!: Monty Mole (1984)Jobs: Written by

Suicide Express (1984)Jobs: Belarus

Bug Blaster (1983)Jobs: Belarus

Haunted House (1983)Jobs: For the Commodore 64 by

Brands (1983)Jobs: Belarus

Killer Watt (1983)Jobs: Belarus

Blagger (1983)Jobs: Programmed by

Bat Attack (1983)Jobs: Created by

Aztec Tomb Adventure (1983)Jobs: Programmed by

Damsel in Distress (1983)Jobs: Written by