Timothy Anderson


SSX 3 (2003)Jobs: "A is for Action"
SSX 3 (2003)Jobs: "A Is For Action" Written by
Interplay: 15th Anniversary (1999)Jobs: QA Project Supervisor
Waterworld (1997)Jobs: Testers
The Last Express (1997)Jobs: QA Project Supervisor
Carmageddon (1997)Jobs: Testers
Fallout (1997)Jobs: PC Version Testers
Tempest 2000 (1996)Jobs: Testers
The Oregon Trail (1990)Jobs: Adapted from mainframe version designed by
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz (1989)Jobs: Design and implementation of XZIP development system | Design and implementation of InfoParser Mark Two | Based on a Concept By
James Clavell's Shogun (1989)Jobs: Interpreters by | English Parser by
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor (1987)Jobs: Micro Interpreters | Z Development System
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor (1987)Jobs: Micro Interpreters | Z Development System
Zork: The Great Underground Empire (1981)Jobs: The original Zork was created by