Becky Allen


Haunting Ground (2005)Jobs: Executive Producer
SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (2005)Jobs: Soundelux Executive Producer
God of War (2005)Jobs: Executive Producer
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (2005)Jobs: Executive Producer
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (2005)Jobs: DMG - Executive Producer
Monster Hunter (2004)Jobs: Executive Producer
Van Helsing (2004)Jobs: DMG General Manager
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: 2007 - First Contact (2004)Jobs: Soundelux Design Music Group Team
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury (2004)Jobs: Executive Producer
Chaos Legion (2003)Jobs: VOR Coordinators
Devil May Cry 2 (2003)Jobs: Soundelux DMG
Red Faction II (2003)Jobs: DMG General Manager
Steel Battalion (2002)Jobs: Voice Over Coordinators
Quantum Redshift (2002)Jobs: Soundelux Audio
Savage Skies (2002)Jobs: Special thanks to
Red Faction II (2002)Jobs: DMG General Manager
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (2002)Jobs: Soundelux Producer
Defender (2002)Jobs: The Defender(TM) team would like to express their thanks and gratitude to
Defender (2002)Jobs: The Defender Team would like to express their thanks and graditude to
Resident Evil (2002)Jobs: Voice Production Project Coordinator
Devil May Cry (2001)Jobs: Project Coordinator