
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (2003)Jobs: 3D Realms | 3DRealms Dallas Test Team

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (2003)Jobs: 3D Realms Dallas Test Team

Duke Nukem Advance (2002)Jobs: Special Thanks | Executive Producers

Max Payne (2001)Jobs: Produced by | Dank

Max Payne (2001)Jobs: Huge Thank-You | Produced by | 3D Realms Strike Team

Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000)Jobs: Design changes / testing

Duke Nukem (1999)Jobs: Gameplay Tweaks

WWII GI (1999)Jobs: Special thanks to

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (1999)Jobs: Quality Review, Design Tweaks & Approvals

Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (1998)Jobs: Huge Thanks For Creating Duke & Tossing Us The Keys | Special Thanks

Duke Nukem 3D (1998)Jobs: Executive Producer

Redneck Rampage Rides Again (1998)Jobs: Special Thanks

NAM (1998)Jobs: Special thanks to

Blood (1997)Jobs: Special Thanks

Shadow Warrior (1997)Jobs: Level / Scenario Design | Documentation | Project Manager | 21. Shanghai Shipwreck | 11. Sumo Sky Palace

Duke Nukem 3D (1997)Jobs: Project Leader/Executive Producer

Duke Nukem 64 (1997)Jobs: Special thanks to | Executive Producer

Duke: Nuclear Winter (1997)Jobs: Special thanks to

Duke Nukem 3D (1996)Jobs: Executive Producer

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition (1996)Jobs: Shop N Bag | Map Design | Project Leader/Director | Executive Producer

Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium PAK (1996)Jobs: Project Leader/Director | Map Design

Terminal Velocity (1995)Jobs: Special thanks to

Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins (1994)Jobs: Executive Producers

Wacky Wheels (1994)Jobs: Great Thanks for Support

Rise of the Triad: Dark War (1994)Jobs: Special thanks to | Executive Producer | Character Voices | The Actors

Hocus Pocus (1994)Jobs: Special thanks to

Major Stryker (1993)Jobs: Produzent

Monster Bash (1993)Jobs: Produzent

ScubaVenture The Search For Pirate's Treasure (1993)Jobs: Programming

Bio Menace (1993)Jobs: Produzent

Duke Nukem II (1993)Jobs: Produzent

Secret Agent (1992)Jobs: Game Artwork

Duke Nukum: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future (1991)Jobs: Graphics by

Paganitzu (1991)Jobs: Special thanks to

Duke Nukum: Episode 2 - Mission: Moonbase (1991)Jobs: Graphics by

Duke Nukum: Episode 1 - Shrapnel City (1991)Jobs: Graphics by

Duke Nukem (1991)Jobs: Graphics / Artwork

Crystal Caves (1991)Jobs: Game Design | Graphics

Arctic Adventure (1991)Jobs: Urheber / Erschaffer / Schöpfer

Pharaoh's Tomb (1990)Jobs: Program Coding | Design

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Trivia (1990)Jobs: Program Coding | Design

Trivia Whiz (1990)Jobs: Program Coding | Design