
Front Mission 5: Scars of the War (2005)Jobs: Senior Managers

Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (2005)Jobs: Sales Staff (セールススタッフ)

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (2004)Jobs: Software Sales & Promotion Sales Staff

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (2004)Jobs: Sales & Marketing Staff

Dragon Quest V: Tenkū no Hanayome (2004)Jobs: Sales Staff

Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart (2003)Jobs: Sales and Marketing

Grandia Xtreme (2002)Jobs: Software Sales

Star Ocean: Blue Sphere (2001)Jobs: Software Sales

Super Galdelic Hour (2001)Jobs: Software Sales Division

Dragon Quest IV: Michibikareshi Monotachi (2001)Jobs: Sales and Marketing

Endonesia (2001)Jobs: Software Business Div.

Bust a Groove 2 (2000)Jobs: Sales Dept

Ore ga Kantoku da!: Gekitō Pennant Race (2000)Jobs: Sales (セールス)

Rakugaki Showtime (1999)Jobs: Great Businesspeople (すごい えいぎょうのヒトたち)

Planet Laika (1999)Jobs: Sales Dept.

Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King (1998)Jobs: Sales Staff

Eggs of Steel (1998)Jobs: Sales Department Staff

Astronōka (1998)Jobs: Sales Staff

Star Ocean (1996)Jobs: Sales