Sonic the Hedgehog: Spinball (2000)Jobs: Lead Tester
Slam 'N Jam '95 (1995)Jobs: Testing
SimCity 2000: CD Collection (1995)Jobs: Andrew Podesta, Kevin O'Hare, Cathy Castro, Michael Gilmartin, Donjah Horat, Jussi Ylinen, Mike Gonos, and May Wong actually had to make up bugs.
Gex (1995)Jobs: Testers
Total Eclipse (1995)Jobs: Testers
World Heroes (1994)Jobs: Testers
Ballz 3D: Fighting at its Ballziest (1994)Jobs: On-Site Testers
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spinball (1994)Jobs: Testers GG
Sub-Terrania (1994)Jobs: Testers
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)Jobs: Testers
Quest for the Shaven Yak starring Ren Hoëk & Stimpy (1994)Jobs: Sega Testers
SimCity 2000: Urban Renewal Kit (1994)Jobs: Testers
Ecco the Dolphin (1993)Jobs: Testers
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1993)Jobs: Testers
Racing Aces (1993)Jobs: Testers
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (1993)Jobs: Testers
Ecco the Dolphin (1993)Jobs: Testers
Greatest Heavyweights (1993)Jobs: Additional Testers
Eternal Champions (1993)Jobs: Testers
Disney's Aladdin (1993)Jobs: Product Analysts