
Sega Ages 2500: Vol.32 - Phantasy Star: Complete Collection (2008)Jobs: Special Thanks

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)Jobs: Design

Altered Beast (2005)Jobs: Produzent

Skies of Arcadia: Legends (2003)Jobs: Produzent

Sega Ages 2500: Vol.1 - Phantasy Star: Generation:1 (2003)Jobs: Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス)

Phantasy Star Collection (2002)Jobs: Supervisors

Skies of Arcadia (2000)Jobs: Produzent

Magic Knight Rayearth (1998)Jobs: Direktor / Regisseur / Leiter

Deep Fear (1998)Jobs: Producers

The Hybrid Front (1994)Jobs: Development Support (開発協力)

Phantasy Star IV (1994)Jobs: Battle Background Design | Direktor / Regisseur / Leiter | Object Design | Visual Event Graphics | Field Graphic Design

Sonic CD (1993)Jobs: Special Thanks

Tōgi Ō: King Colossus (1992)Jobs: Special thanks to

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)Jobs: Zone Artists

Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (1992)Jobs: Designer

Riddle Wired: Quiz Dokusen Kigyō no Hōkai (1991)Jobs: Special Thanks

Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom (1991)Jobs: Special Thanks

Advanced Daisenryaku: Doitsu Dengeki Sakusen (1991)Jobs: Model Maker

Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)Jobs: Design

Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (1990)Jobs: Graphic Design

Sorcerian (1990)Jobs: Graphic Designed

Phantasy Star II (1990)Jobs: Design

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (1990)Jobs: Artists

Poseidon Wars 3-D (1989)Jobs: Graphic Designer

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (1989)Jobs: Staff (uncredited)

SpellCaster (1989)Jobs: Designer

Altered Beast (1989)Jobs: Designer

Mystic Defender (1989)Jobs: Graphics designed by

Phantasy Star (1988)Jobs: Executive Design

Hoshi o sagashite... (1988)Jobs: Design

Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1986)Jobs: By (バイ)

Quartet (1986)Jobs: Designer