Killer7 (2005)Jobs: Background
Space Channel 5: Part 2 (2002)Jobs: "This is my happiness" Words
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (2002)Jobs: Japanese Character Voices
Panic! (2002)Jobs: Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス) | Sound (サウンド)
Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)Jobs: Japanese Character Voices
Super Galdelic Hour (2001)Jobs: Sound Director | Music Producer | Composer
Roommania #203 (2000)Jobs: Co-Produced by | Programming | Sound Design (サウンドデザイン) | Concept (原案) | Scenario (シナリオ)
Space Channel 5 (2000)Jobs: A Very Special Thanks to
Sonic Adventure (1999)Jobs: Special Thanks
SEGA Rally 2 Championship (1999)Jobs: Special Thanks
Burning Rangers (1998)Jobs: "Angel With Burning Hearts"
NiGHTS into Dreams... (1996)Jobs: Compose and Arrange | Lyrics
Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams... (1996)Jobs: Compose & Arrange
Farland Story (1996)Jobs: Promotion (プロモーション)
Toonstruck (1996)Jobs: Computer Painters
Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden (1995)Jobs: Sound Edit (サウンドエディット)
Ristar (1995)Jobs: Music Composer
Ristar (1995)Jobs: Music Composers
Virtua Racing Deluxe (1994)Jobs: Special Thanks
Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble (1994)Jobs: Staff
Panic! (1993)Jobs: Sound
Sonic CD (1993)Jobs: Special Thanks
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (1992)Jobs: Sound Composer