Doug Stone


.hack//G.U. Vol. 2//Reminisce (2007)Jobs: Miscellaneous Voices
.hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption (2007)Jobs: Miscellaneous Voices
Dynasty Warriors 5 (2005)Jobs: Voice Direction
Kessen III (2005)Jobs: Voice Direction
Dynasty Warriors 5 (2005)Jobs: Voice Direction
Star Trek: Shattered Universe (2004)Jobs: Additional Voice Characterizations
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury (2004)Jobs: Casting Directors
Black & Bruised (2003)Jobs: Voice Characterizations
Dynasty Warriors 4 (2003)Jobs: Voice Direction
Casper: Spirit Dimensions (2001)Jobs: Character Voices
Kessen II (2001)Jobs: Voice Production (Directors)
Metal Gear Solid (1998)Jobs: Psycho Mantis | Genome Soldier A
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition) (1995)Jobs: Also Featured by Episode - Though This be Madness | Also Featured by Episode - Light and Darkness | Also Featured by Episode - No Man's Land
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1993)Jobs: Though This be Madness Voice Cast | Light and Darkness Voice Cast | No Man's Land Voice Cast
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (1992)Jobs: Prelate Angiven & Tlaoxac