Paul Webb


Rampage Through Time (2000)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Rampage 2: Universal Tour (1999)Jobs: Avalanche Software
NFL Blitz 2000 (1999)Jobs: Sound Effects
Space Jam (1996)Jobs: Sound Design
DOOM (1995)Jobs: Sound
WWF WrestleMania (1995)Jobs: Special thanks to
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp (1994)Jobs: Original Music By | Sound Monkeys
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1994)Jobs: Music and Sound-Effects arranged and performed by
Mortal Kombat II (1994)Jobs: The Musical Type Support Guys
Looney Tunes B-Ball (1994)Jobs: Sound | Musik
WWF Royal Rumble (1993)Jobs: Sound and Music
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1993)Jobs: Music and Sound-Effects arranged and performed by
NHL Stanley Cup (1993)Jobs: Music by (uncredited)
WWF Royal Rumble (1993)Jobs: Sound and Music
Day Dreamin' Davey (1992)Jobs: Music by | Effects by
High Stakes Gambling (1992)Jobs: Sound By | Music by
WWF Super WrestleMania (1992)Jobs: Sound and Music
Super Star Wars (1992)Jobs: Music and Sound Effects arranged and performed by
NCAA Basketball (1992)Jobs: Sounds | Musik
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1992)Jobs: Sound Effects[Sculptured Software] | Musical Arrangements [Sculptured Software]
WWF Superstars 2 (1992)Jobs: Music Composer (uncredited)
Tecmo NBA Basketball (1992)Jobs: Sounds | Musik
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1992)Jobs: Musical Arrangements and Sound Effects by | Music Trooper
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (1991)Jobs: Music Composer (uncredited)
Mickey's Colors & Shapes (1991)Jobs: Internal Sound | Internal Music
Monopoly (1991)Jobs: Music Composer (uncredited)
Stanley: The Search for Dr. Livingston (1991)Jobs: Music and Sound Effects (uncredited)
Pac-Mania (1991)Jobs: Sounds by
Eliminator Boat Duel (1991)Jobs: Music Composer (uncredited)
Monopoly (1991)Jobs: Music and Sound Effects (uncredited)
Midnight Mutants (1990)Jobs: Music and Sound by
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient Empires! (1990)Jobs: Music Orchestration | Sound Effects
Fatal Run (1990)Jobs: Music by
Bar Games (1989)Jobs: Musik
S.D.I. (1987)Jobs: Music / Sound Programming