ELIMIN8! (2008)Jobs: Graphics | Sounds | Game Program
Affili8! (2008)Jobs: Game Program | Graphics | Sound Effects
Konfl1kt (2008)Jobs: Sounds | Game Program | Graphics
Pir8! (2008)Jobs: Game Program | Graphics | Sound Effects
Shotgate (2008)Jobs: Program | Graphics
Shotgate / Konfl1kt (Limited Edition) (2008)Jobs: Program | Graphics
Shotgate / Konfl1kt (Unlimited Edition) (2008)Jobs: Program | Graphics
Encaved (2007)Jobs: Belarus
Raster Fahndung (2007)Jobs: Belarus | Label by | Manual by
AVCStec Challenge (2006)Jobs: Belarus | Label design by | Manual Design by
Metal Warrior 4: Agents of Metal (2006)Jobs: Betatesting
Metal Warrior 4: Agents of Metal (2003)Jobs: Betatesting
Mental Kombat (2002)Jobs: Ported by | Audiovisual by | Package by | Instructions by
Mental Kombat (1998)Jobs: Documents | Design | Introscreen