AC/DC Live: Rock Band - Track Pack (2008)Jobs: Producers | Mocap Performers
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s (2007)Jobs: Art Outsource Manager | Art Associate Producer | Guitar Modeling | Tutorial Voiceover
CMT Presents: Karaoke Revolution - Country (2006)Jobs: Props | Lip Sync | Venue | Prop
Guitar Hero II (2006)Jobs: "Mr. Fix It" | "Red Lottery" | Tutorial Voice-over | Guitar Models | Art AP
Guitar Hero (2005)Jobs: Guitar Models | Tutorial Voice-over
Karaoke Revolution: Party (2005)Jobs: Lip Sync Animators | Prop | Venue
EyeToy: AntiGrav (2004)Jobs: Object Artist | Voices
Karaoke Revolution: Volume 2 (2004)Jobs: Images | Art Interns
Karaoke Revolution (2003)Jobs: Images | Interns
Oops! (1988)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Oops! (1988)Jobs: Conceived by | Designed by | Programmed by
I-Xera (1987)Jobs: Brought to your computer by
Sqij! (1986)Jobs: Belarus