Great Naval Battles Vol. III: Fury in the Pacific, 1941-44 (1995)Jobs: Special Thanks To (for their work on previous GNB manuals)
Steel Panthers (1995)Jobs: Scenario Design
Great Naval Battles Vol. II: Guadalcanal 1942-43 (1994)Jobs: User's manual
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks! (1994)Jobs: Novastar Testers
Ambush at Sorinor (1993)Jobs: Anleitung | Playtesting
Strike Squad (1993)Jobs: Manual Assistance | Playtesting
Clash of Steel: World War II, Europe 1939-45 (1993)Jobs: Rule Book Writer
Gary Grigsby's War in Russia (1993)Jobs: Playtesters | Rule Book
Carrier Strike: South Pacific 1942-44 (1992)Jobs: Game Development | Rules
Conflict: Korea - The First Year 1950-51 (1992)Jobs: Game Development
Gary Grigsby's Pacific War (1992)Jobs: Game Development | Rules
A Line in the Sand (1992)Jobs: Game Development
High Command: Europe 1939-'45 (1992)Jobs: Special thanks to
No Greater Glory: The American Civil War (1991)Jobs: Game Developers
Conflict: Middle East (1991)Jobs: Game Developement
Medieval Lords: Soldier Kings of Europe (1991)Jobs: Developer (C64 version)
Western Front: The Liberation of Europe 1944-1945 (1991)Jobs: Game Development
War of the Lance (1990)Jobs: Game Design & Programming
War of the Lance (1990)Jobs: Programming | Game Design
War of the Lance (1989)Jobs: Game Design | Programming
Battles of Napoleon (1989)Jobs: Game Programming | Game Development
Sons of Liberty (1988)Jobs: Programming
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga (1988)Jobs: Designed by
Sons of Liberty (1988)Jobs: Sons of Liberty by
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga (1987)Jobs: Belarus
Shiloh: Grant's Trial in the West (1987)Jobs: Belarus
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga (1987)Jobs: Belarus
Shiloh: Grant's Trial in the West (1987)Jobs: Game Programming | Game Development
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga (1987)Jobs: Design by
Gettysburg: The Turning Point (1986)Jobs: Design
Battle of Antietam (1986)Jobs: Game Development | Game Programming
Gettysburg: The Turning Point (1986)Jobs: Game Programming | Game Development
Battle of Antietam (1986)Jobs: Design
Operation Market Garden: Drive on Arnhem, September 1944 (1985)Jobs: Designed by
Operation Market Garden: Drive on Arnhem, September 1944 (1985)Jobs: Programming | Development
Operation Market Garden: Drive on Arnhem, September 1944 (1985)Jobs: Created by
Breakthrough in the Ardennes (1984)Jobs: Belarus
Battle for Normandy (1984)Jobs: Game Design/Rules
Breakthrough in the Ardennes (1984)Jobs: Programming | Development
Breakthrough in the Ardennes (1984)Jobs: Belarus
Battle for Normandy (1983)Jobs: Game Design/Rules
Knights of the Desert (1983)Jobs: Apple, Atari & TRS-80 Program Versions | Game Development
Knights of the Desert (1983)Jobs: Game Development | Apple, Atari & TRS-80 Program Versions
The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow (1982)Jobs: Game Design/Rules
Battle for Normandy (1982)Jobs: Apple version | Game Design/Rules
The Battle of Shiloh (1981)Jobs: Game Program