Steve Perrin


Descent to Undermountain (1997)Jobs: Designers | Level Design
Conquest of the New World (1996)Jobs: Headlines and Factoids | Country Names & Titles
Conquest of the New World: Deluxe Edition (1996)Jobs: Headlines and Factoids | Country Names and Titles
SimCity 2000: CD Collection (1995)Jobs: These gallant testers were aided by the rest of the Maxis crew
SimCity 2000 (1994)Jobs: Beta Testing
SimCity 2000 (1994)Jobs: Beta Testing
Dragon Lore: The Legend Begins (1994)Jobs: Documentation (U.S. Team)
Sim Farm (1993)Jobs: Real Farms Section By
SimCity 2000 (1993)Jobs: Playtesting
SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor (1992)Jobs: Design | Manual - Writers
Castles: The Northern Campaign (1991)Jobs: Writing / Dialogue / Story
Falcon 3.0 (1991)Jobs: User Manual
Faces ...tris III (1990)Jobs: Special thanks to
Flight of the Intruder (1990)Jobs: Anleitung | Testing
Pool of Radiance (1989)Jobs: Playtesting
Tank: The M1A1 Abrams Battle Tank Simulation (1989)Jobs: Game Design | Battle Manual Design And Execution
Welltris (1989)Jobs: Special thanks to