Stéphane Cornicard


Driv3r (2004)Jobs: Voice Actors
Driv3r (2004)Jobs: Voice Actors
Fable (2004)Jobs: Voice Artist
Primal (2003)Jobs: Actors
Syphon Filter 3 (2001)Jobs: Voice Actors
Syphon Filter (1999)Jobs: Voice Actors
Cardinal Syn (1998)Jobs: Direktor / Regisseur / Leiter
Colony Wars: Vengeance (1998)Jobs: Italian Voices | French Voices
MediEvil (1998)Jobs: Sir Daniel Fortesque
Spyro the Dragon (1998)Jobs: Spyro Voice (French)
Ghost in the Shell (1997)Jobs: SDL Direction
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995)Jobs: Voice Artists (French Version)