
TNA iMPACT! (2008)Jobs: Executive Producer

MLB Slugfest 2006 (2006)Jobs: Executive Producer

Rampage: Total Destruction (2006)Jobs: Executive Producer

MLB Slugfest 2006 (2006)Jobs: Executive Producer

Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the DragonBone Staff (2001)Jobs: Programmers | Designers | Direktor / Regisseur / Leiter | Executive Producer

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (1995)Jobs: Additional Utilities | Production Management

Wetlands (1995)Jobs: Producers

Might and Magic Trilogy (1995)Jobs: Original Programming

Multimedia Celebrity Poker (1995)Jobs: Producers | Programmers

Heroes of Might and Magic (1995)Jobs: Programming | Playtesting

Zephyr (1994)Jobs: Produzent

Might and Magic: World of Xeen (1994)Jobs: Programmed by | Produced by

Iron Cross (1994)Jobs: Executive Producer

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (1994)Jobs: Production Management | Additional Utilities

Hammer of the Gods (1994)Jobs: Produzent

Empire Deluxe (1993)Jobs: Additional Programming

Empire Deluxe (1993)Jobs: Intro Programmed by

Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen (1993)Jobs: Programming

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (1993)Jobs: Game Designers | Programmed by | Additional Programming

Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen (1992)Jobs: Programming

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (1991)Jobs: Programming | Game Designers

Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return (1991)Jobs: Additional Programming

King's Bounty (1991)Jobs: Additional Programming

King's Bounty (1991)Jobs: Programmed by

King's Bounty (1990)Jobs: Programming

King's Bounty (1990)Jobs: Programmed by

Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World (1989)Jobs: Programming | Anleitung

Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World (1989)Jobs: IBM Version | Anleitung | Original Apple II Version | Valuable Travel Hints, Insights and Mapping provided by | Layout and Interior Graphics