
Allied General (1997)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command - 1939-1999 (1997)Jobs: Design and DTP

Fantasy General (1996)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Panzer General (1996)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Silent Hunter (1996)Jobs: Art, graphic design & DTP

Panzer General (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Serf City: Life is Feudal (1995)Jobs: Rule Book DTP

Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star (1995)Jobs: Verpackung

Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP | Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing

Great Naval Battles Vol. IV: Burning Steel, 1939-1942 (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design & DTP

DeathKeep (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP: Louis Sakow Design

World of Aden: Entomorph - Plague of the Darkfall (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Allied General (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP: Louis Saekow Design

World of Aden: Thunderscape (1995)Jobs: Graphic Design & DTP

Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design & Desktop Publishing (Louis Saekow Design) | Graphic Design and DTP

Dark Legions (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Great Naval Battles Vol. II: Guadalcanal 1942-43 (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design & DTP

CyClones (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Menzoberranzan (1994)Jobs: Rule Book Graphic Design and DTP

Panzer General (1994)Jobs: Graphical Design & Desktop Publishing (Louis Saekow Design)

Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (1994)Jobs: Rule Book Graphics & Desktop Publishing

Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Alien Logic (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Slayer (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks! (1994)Jobs: Graphic Design and DTP

Clash of Steel: World War II, Europe 1939-45 (1993)Jobs: Graphic Design & DTP