
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)Jobs: Hint Specialist

Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)Jobs: Special Thanks

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)Jobs: Hint Specialist

Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)Jobs: Special Thanks

Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005)Jobs: Hint Specialist

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (2004)Jobs: Hint Line Specialist

Armed and Dangerous (2003)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Demolition (2000)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Episode I - Jedi Power Battles (2000)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Demolition (2000)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Episode I - Racer (1999)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Episode I - Racer (1999)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Dark Forces (1996)Jobs: Product Support

Full Throttle (1995)Jobs: Product Support Leads | Product Support Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995)Jobs: Product Support

The Dig (1995)Jobs: Hint Line Supervisor

Star Wars: X-Wing - Collector's CD-ROM (1994)Jobs: Technical Support

Alien Vs Predator (1994)Jobs: Special thanks to

Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle (1993)Jobs: Product Support

Sam & Max: Hit the Road (1993)Jobs: Product Support

Star Wars: X-Wing - B-Wing (1993)Jobs: Technical Support

Loom (1992)Jobs: TurboGrafx Testers

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)Jobs: Playtesting

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)Jobs: Quality Assurance

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)Jobs: Additional Testing by

Loom (1990)Jobs: Playtesting