Kid Paddle
15. November 2005
President of Mistic
Christophe ComparinProgrammers Coordinator
Martin VachonProgrammers
Martin VachonFrancois FaucherJohann GagnonÉric ParayreGilles Philippe PailleAlexei Nordell MarkovitsEric CôtéLead Designer
Vannara TyProduzent
Frédéric BibetLead Programmer
Christophe DesplanchesLead Graphic Artist
Francis MalvesinSpecial Thanks
Flavien BauJacques SarremejeanneFrance CameronRelQRaghavendran MadhavanEnzyme LabsFrederic PlanteAround the WorldClaire DeillerTake OffStudio Manager
Frédéric BibetQuality Control Project Manager
Bruno TrubiaCertification Project Manager
Lisa GaillardEngineering servies Manager
Philippe LouvetLocalisation Project Manager
Franck GentyPrinted Materials Manager
Caroline FauchilleEuropean Brand Manager
Mathieu BrossetteEuropean Communications Manager
John TyrrellEuropean Communications Executive
Alistair HatchQuality Director
Lewis GloverSenior Producer
Nadège De BergevinLocalisation Manager
Ludovic BonyRepublishing Director
Rebecka PerneredDirector Supply Chain
Alain FourcaudProject Planning
Sophie Wibaux-MelietLocalisation Technical Consultant
Didier FlipoEuropean Group Marketing Manager
Cyril VoironCopy Writer
Vincent HattenbergerEvaluation & Consulting Manager
Dominique MorelEuropean Web Manager
Renaud MarinRepublishing Manager
Sébastien ChaudatMAM Project Manager
Jenny ClarkLocal Marketing Tean France
Lionel ArnaudPrinted Materials Project Manager
Sandrine DuboisEditorial Supervision
Patrick PinchartEditorial Coordination
Caroline HouartDirector Licencing France
Véronique ChalandarResponsible for Customers Licencing France
Juliette BlindTrainee
Laure Vouzelaud
Jahr: 2005
15. November 2005
Plattformen: Game Boy Advance
Perspektiven: ---
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