11. März 2003
Autor / Verfasser: Charles O'Connor

Assistant Design

Oliver Sykes

Game Designer

Stéphane Roy

Executive Producer

Mark GreenshieldsTony Van

Product Brand Manager

Sarah Ohring

Press relations

Sean Kauppinen

Director of Publishing

Jay Cohen

VP of Marketing

Tony Kee

VP of Product Development

Bret Berry


Laurent Detoc

Group Brand Manager

Karen Conroe

Hardware Manufacturer Approval Coordinator

David Costello

Lead Tester

Jonathan Moreau

QA Platform Specialists

Jean-Dominic AudetFrederic Dufort

Worldwide Test Manager

Éric Tremblay

Gamer's Queen B and Executive Producer

Susan G. McBride

VP of Licensing

Victoria O'Connor

Director of Bratz

Paula Treantafelles
Jahr: 2003
11. März 2003
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?
Entwickler: DC Studios, Inc. Publishers: Ubisoft Entertainment SA Autor / Verfasser: Charles O'Connor

Assistant Design

Oliver Sykes

Game Designer

Stéphane Roy

Executive Producer

Mark GreenshieldsTony Van

Product Brand Manager

Sarah Ohring

Press relations

Sean Kauppinen

Director of Publishing

Jay Cohen

VP of Marketing

Tony Kee

VP of Product Development

Bret Berry


Laurent Detoc

Group Brand Manager

Karen Conroe

Hardware Manufacturer Approval Coordinator

David Costello

Lead Tester

Jonathan Moreau

QA Platform Specialists

Jean-Dominic AudetFrederic Dufort

Worldwide Test Manager

Éric Tremblay

Gamer's Queen B and Executive Producer

Susan G. McBride

VP of Licensing

Victoria O'Connor

Director of Bratz

Paula Treantafelles