Star Fleet I: The War Begins!
05. April 1985
This manual (Star Fleet Officers Academy Training Manual Volume 1) is dedicated to the memory of the Challenger seven, who gave their lives on January 28, 1986 while helping us reach for the stars.
Ronald Erwin McNairGregory JarvisSharon Christa McAuliffe"Star Fleet Officers Academy" music (uncredited): De Brevitate Vitae/Gaudeamus Igitur (1782)
UnknownShip Profiles
Jan ReveleyTypesetting and Graphics
Karen SmithCover Art
Dave DormanLead Design
Trevor C. SorensenGraphics / Artwork
Richard Launius"Title Version" music (uncredited): Symphony No. 5 in C minor - 1808. Composed by
Ludwig van Beethoven"Universe is being created" music (uncredited): Also sprach Zarathustram, Op. 30 - 1869. Composed by
Richard Strauss"Cadet Orders" music (uncredited): Ride of the Valkyries, prelude to act 3 of Die Walküre - 1851. Composed by
Richard WagnerDocumentation
Robert Winkler