Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby
01. Januar 1991
Autor / Verfasser: Orlando Fernandez

Game Writer

Aimee Poquette

Video Graphics Artist

Terese WilliamsAimee Poquette

Wizard Voice

Philip Proctor

Executive Producer

Harry Jenkins

Music Performed by

Michael Damm

Music by

Taj Mahal

Drawings by

Henrik Drescher

Software Engineering

Andrew DavidsonLisa Berson

Wizard Character Design

James B. Murphy

Activity Writer

Cathleen Earle

Adapted by

Eric Metaxas

Production Coordinator

Aimee Poquette

VP product Development

Sarina Simon

Music Composed by

Michael Damm

Direktor / Regisseur / Leiter

Orlando Fernandez
Jahr: 1991
01. Januar 1991
Plattformen: CD-i, Macintosh, Windows 3.x
Perspektiven: ---
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?
Entwickler: Rabbit Ears Productions, Inc. Publishers: American Interactive Media, Inc. Autor / Verfasser: Orlando Fernandez

Game Writer

Aimee Poquette

Video Graphics Artist

Terese WilliamsAimee Poquette

Wizard Voice

Philip Proctor

Executive Producer

Harry Jenkins

Music Performed by

Michael Damm

Music by

Taj Mahal

Drawings by

Henrik Drescher

Software Engineering

Andrew DavidsonLisa Berson

Wizard Character Design

James B. Murphy

Activity Writer

Cathleen Earle

Adapted by

Eric Metaxas

Production Coordinator

Aimee Poquette

VP product Development

Sarina Simon

Music Composed by

Michael Damm

Direktor / Regisseur / Leiter

Orlando Fernandez