05. Mai 1993
Eyal LebedinskyIdeas
Ross JohnsonTesting
Ross JohnsonNetworking Know-how
Ross JohnsonX11 help
Ross JohnsonDoco Typesetting
Ross JohnsonReview
Ross JohnsonAmiga & Windows Ports
Mike TaylorThe program compiles with
Microsoft CBorland Cgcc on a friends AmigaSun and Linux and I hope on other platformsThe program was written for fun.
I borrowed ideas from everywhere and hope to hear some more. The basic design is based on a program I wrote more than 20 years ago at uni {the Technion}. I had an excellent coachDanny CohenOn the PC the basic screen drawing uses the standard
Microsoft graphics libraryIt is OK but not very fast; the main advantage is that it will support most video adapters.The Tseng4k drawing was built from the routines from
DJGPP with much personal additions.The flight dynamics was influenced by
an SGI program I saw and ACM.The timer routines come from a
microsoft journal articleThe user-input routine (notice how you can use arrow keys etc? use up-arrow to retrieve history.. I will document it one day)
comes from DDJ or was it CUJ? author name isBob BybeeWell; I avoid re-inventing wheels unless it is fun.
Jahr: 1993
05. Mai 1993
Perspektiven: Erste Person / Ich-Perspektive
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?