Fahrenheit 451
Autor / Verfasser: Len Neufeld

Produced and Developed by

Byron Preiss Video Productions Inc.

Design Director

Robert Strong

Technical Editor

Andre Garneau

Based on the novel by

Ray Bradbury

Technical Design and Direction by

Lee Jacknow

Programmed in SAL by

Telarium Corp.

Senior Systems Programmer

Michael P. Meyer

Titles by

Studio J

Title Programming by

Jeffrey Schneider
Jahr: 1984
01. Januar 1984
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?
Entwickler: Byron Preiss Video Productions, Inc., Trillium Corp. Publishers: Trillium Corp. Autor / Verfasser: Len Neufeld

Produced and Developed by

Byron Preiss Video Productions Inc.

Design Director

Robert Strong

Technical Editor

Andre Garneau

Based on the novel by

Ray Bradbury

Technical Design and Direction by

Lee Jacknow

Programmed in SAL by

Telarium Corp.

Senior Systems Programmer

Michael P. Meyer

Titles by

Studio J

Title Programming by

Jeffrey Schneider