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01. Oktober 1996
F-16 Avionics
John EisenhardtAPG-68 RADAR Design and Reference Data
Gene JordanMission Development
Al JordanGround Threat Models and Weapon Flyouts
Kevin CooperAircraft Flight Models
Mark DrajeskeSystems Integration
Kurt FloskyOperator Interface
John DibbsSpecial thanks to
U.S. Secretary of Defense Office of Public AffairsU.S. Navy Department of Public AffairsU.S. Navy Still Media Records CenterU.S. D.O.D. Media CenterU.S. Air Force Public Affairs OfficeVery Special Thanks to
All the Alpha and Beta Testers who assisted usand the United States Service Personnel everywhereDirector - Program Manager - Conceptual Design
George KeverianArt Director - Printed Materials
Melissa CarterGraphics - Animation - Video
Darren MetcalfeHead Beta Tester
Buzz HoffmanPresident - CEO
Robert CarterVice President Operations
Gary MoffetGraphic Design
Anne TillerManual Writer - Designer
Ian SteerTechnical adviser
Johan LitleskareProduzent
Tom AstorSound Driver and Video CODEC
Karl MortonGUI Programming
Gordon SelleyInitial GUI Design
Mark WilkinsonDirektor / Regisseur / Leiter
Mark HurryTeam Leader
Brian RogersGraphics
Mark HurryGuitar
Ray MajorsDrums
Luke BullerSound Engineer
George HadjineophytouMusic Composed by
Sandy DillonVocals and Piano
Sandy DillonBass Guitar
Steve BywaterVice President
Dan CarayiannisSatellite Imagery © 1996
Jahr: 1996
01. Oktober 1996
Plattformen: DOS
Perspektiven: Erste Person / Ich-Perspektive
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?