Koronis Rift
Entwickler: Lucasfilm Games LLC Publishers: Epyx, Inc.

Cover Artwork

Terry Hoff

Commodore Science Droid artwork

Tom Wahl

Macro Assembler

Chip Morningstar

Special thanks to

George Lucas

Project leader, concept, instrument displays, player interface, and documentation

Noah Falstein

3D enviroment, scalling and motion objects, explosions, and support routines

Aric Wilmunder

Orginal fractal code by

Loren Carpenter

Commodore 64 co-development, module system, and saucer behaviour routines

Ron Gilbert

Hulk, saucer and storyboard artwork

Gary Winnick

Atari Science Droid and control panel artwork

James St. Louis

Fractal code modified by

Charlie Kellner

Atari sound effects and music

Douglas Crockford

Algorithms and technical aid by

Charlie Kellner
Jahr: 1985
01. Oktober 1985
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?
Entwickler: Lucasfilm Games LLC Publishers: Epyx, Inc.

Cover Artwork

Terry Hoff

Commodore Science Droid artwork

Tom Wahl

Macro Assembler

Chip Morningstar

Special thanks to

George Lucas

Project leader, concept, instrument displays, player interface, and documentation

Noah Falstein

3D enviroment, scalling and motion objects, explosions, and support routines

Aric Wilmunder

Orginal fractal code by

Loren Carpenter

Commodore 64 co-development, module system, and saucer behaviour routines

Ron Gilbert

Hulk, saucer and storyboard artwork

Gary Winnick

Atari Science Droid and control panel artwork

James St. Louis

Fractal code modified by

Charlie Kellner

Atari sound effects and music

Douglas Crockford

Algorithms and technical aid by

Charlie Kellner