Math Blaster Plus!
01. Januar 1987

Offered valuable educational expertise in the product's design

Cathy Johnson

The Math Blaster Plus team received an abundance of enthusiastic support and assistance from

all of the associates at Davidson

Game graphics were designed by

Tim Nixon

Manual art was drawn by

Marilyn Marr

The team was directed by

Janice G. DavidsonMichael Albanese

Programmed the Apple version in FORTH and assembly languages

Louis X. Savain

Wrote the data files and manual

Cathy Johnson
Jahr: 1987
01. Januar 1987
Plattformen: Apple II, DOS, Amiga, Apple IIgs
Perspektiven: ---
Bewertung: ?
Kritiken: ?
Entwickler: Davidson & Associates, Inc. Publishers: Davidson & Associates, Inc.

Offered valuable educational expertise in the product's design

Cathy Johnson

The Math Blaster Plus team received an abundance of enthusiastic support and assistance from

all of the associates at Davidson

Game graphics were designed by

Tim Nixon

Manual art was drawn by

Marilyn Marr

The team was directed by

Janice G. DavidsonMichael Albanese

Programmed the Apple version in FORTH and assembly languages

Louis X. Savain

Wrote the data files and manual

Cathy Johnson